About Us

A statue in front of the museum honors explorer Major John Wesley Powell, who began his famous expedition at Expedition Island in Green River.Welcome to the Sweetwater County Historical Museum!
Established in 1967, the museum is housed in a renovated 1931 post office building and contains a collection of several thousand artifacts, a large historical photograph collection, and local history research material.

Discover the rich cultural heritage of southwestern Wyoming at the Sweetwater County Historical Museum. Explore the stories of Native Americans, explorers, fur trappers, travelers of overland trails, railroad workers, coal miners, cowboys, sheepherders, homesteaders, business people, trona miners and oil and gas workers.

Sweetwater County's history began long before written records. In prehistoric times the landscape was swampy and inhabited by great dinosaurs. Thousands of years later Native Americans, mostly Shoshone and Ute, claimed the land. The first white men moving through the area with regularity were the mountain men. The first Rocky Mountain Rendezvous was held in 1825 in Sweetwater County, as was a later gathering in 1834 that is said to have been the largest rendezvous ever.

 Several major emigrant trails passed through the county including the Oregon, California, Mormon, Overland, and Cherokee Trails, as well as the Pony Express Trail, 1861 transcontinental telegraph line and Ben Holladay's Central Overland Express stage line. Vitally important to the history of the county was the coming of the transcontinental railroad in 1868. This was instrumental in the creation and development of Sweetwater County's two major population centers, Green River and Rock Springs.  Green River was the major railroad town due to the nearness of a water supply, while Rock Springs became the coal mining center of the county.

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Connecting people to the story of Sweetwater County by preserving and presenting its natural and cultural history.


Achieve strategic growth to become a premier center for education and culture in Sweetwater County and Wyoming.


The purpose of the Sweetwater County Historical Museum is to preserve and present the story of Sweetwater County from its early beginnings to the present, to serve as a depository for historical items and records, and to serve as an educational and informational center for the public.



Executive Director: Dave Mead
Curator: Amanda Benson
Exhibits: K. Brown
Public Engagement Coordinator: Vacant
Museum Services Specialist: Dick Blust

Board of Directors

The museum is governed by a 5 member board appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Each member serves a 3 year term which can be renewed once. If you are interested in serving on the museum board or another county board, you can fill out an application here.

The Board meets the third Wednesday of every month at 5:30 PM. Please visit our Calendar of Events for more information regarding the next meeting.

Budd Allen, Chair
Steve Boyd, Vice Chair
Mark Kott, Treasurer
Randy Walker, member at large
Pete Costigan, member at large