Kids and parents gather for special picnic in Green River

 Left: Young students run around a park. Right: A student handles a number of pelts on top of a table.

Photo #1 - Local wildlife and history were the subjects of a recent Sweetwater County Historical Museum presentation at the Monroe Elementary English Language Learners picnic in Green River. Around 40 students and parents attended.


(Sweetwater County, Wyo. - August 14, 2024)     Wyoming wildlife and history were the subjects recently at the Monroe Elementary English Language Learners picnic at Centennial Park in Green River.

Some 40 children and parents attended the event. Aidan Brady of the Sweetwater County Historical Museum also participated with a table presentation of pelts, antlers, and other parts of local animals from the museum. Brady talked about Wyoming and Sweetwater County history and the kids got a chance to handle the pelts and other artifacts.

Educators, parents, and parent-teacher groups who are interested in learning more about museum programs for students Grades K - 12 are encouraged to contact Brady at (307) 872-6435 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..