
Denny Pace WWII re-enactor

denny pace wwii 2021

Denny Pace will once again be presenting in his 505th 82nd Airborne gear. He is celebrating the anniversary of D-Day by being in full uniform with various re-enactment gear to talk to guests throughout Friday June 10 and Saturday June 11th. This event is perfect for anyone interested in this period of history including homeschoolers, WWII enthusiasts, or simply someone who'd like to see some of the cool stuff Denny brings with him.

This is not a structured presentation, Denny will be at his station in the museum throughout the weekend to show guests what he has and discuss his knowledge of WWII and the 505th 82nd Airborne. 

Event Information

Event Date 06-10-2022 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-10-2022 5:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free