
History & News

A Burntfork Snapshot

Text: 'A Burntfork snapshot.'
A black and white photo from 1920 depicts a group of young students outside a log cabin school in Burntfork, Wyoming. The text reads: 'On January 7, 1941 the Wyoming Eagle reported that Wyoming still had 130 log school buildings. This is the log Burntfork School south of Green River in 1920.'


Aidan Brady teaching his special vritual class this week. Subjects included: Native American cultures, fossils, and Wyoming history. Students of Yavneh Academy in Paramus, New Jersey at one the recent virtual classes hosted by the Sweetwater County Historical Museum in Green River.
January 15, 2022
Nearly a hundred 4th-Grade students 2,000 miles away learned a great deal last week about geography, fossils, Native Americans, Wyoming, and Wyoming history, thanks to a special online program created by Aidan Brady, the Sweetwater County Historical Museum’s Public Engagement Coordinator.
Brady was first contacted in 2020 by the Yavneh Academy in Paramus, New Jersey, a community about the size of Rock Springs located some 15 miles from New York City. The Academy had heard of the museum’s educational outreach programs via the Internet and expressed interest in arranging special virtual education blocks. Brady created his first presentation for the Academy in 2021, and was asked to do another this year for four different classroom sessions.
The students were very curious - and surprised - about the differences between New Jersey and Wyoming, both historically and in the present, and had many questions.

Sweetwater Snapshot: Green River Snapshot

'Text: 'Sweetwater County Historical Museum. Green River Snapshot.' Upper image is a 1921 photo of a car in front of a curved roof building labeled Sweetwater Auto Co. A gentleman stands in front of the bumper of the car, an older gentleman sits at the wheel. The same building is pictured in a modern picture below with modern storefronts. The text below the image reads: 'The building at 128-132 E Flaming Gorge Way in Green River, Wyoming has a history reaching back over a century. The photo on top was taken around 1921, shortly after the Hotel Tomahawk next door was completed.'

Sweetwater Snapshot: Superior Snapshot

Text reads 'Sweetwater Snapshot': 
'A Superior Snapshot':
Catherine Chaussart is pictured beneath the Sweetwater County Historical Musem logo
The bottom text reads: 'When County Commissioner Arthur Chaussart of Superior died in 1953 his wife Catherine, a University of Wyoming graduate and Superior school teacher, was appointed to complete his term. At the next election, in 1955, she ran for the post and was elected in her own right, the first woman to be elected to the Sweetwater County Comission.'

When County Commissioner Arthur Chaussart of Superior died in 1953 his wife Catherine, a University of Wyoming graduate and Superior school teacher, was appointed to complete his term. At the next election, in 1955, she ran for the post and was elected in her own right, the first woman to be elected to the Sweetwater County Comission."