
Past Events


This vintage Gulbransen upright piano will be the center piece of the 2021 Sweetwater County Christmas Exhibit. It was a gift to the Community of Green River by the General Federation of Women's Clubs and the Women's Club of Green River in 1928. It will be played by County Treasurer Joe M. Barbuto during the exhibit's Holiday Open House on December 11, 2021.A Christmas morning from long ago at the Gaensslen house in Green River. The Sweetwater County Historical Museum is preparing a special Christmas exhibit at the County Courthouse in Green River set to open on December 6, 2021. An exhibit open house is scheduled for December 11, featuring live music, family activities, and refreshments.
December 2, 2021
A fully-functioning vintage piano will serve as the centerpiece of a special Christmas exhibit being prepared by the Sweetwater County Historical Museum and sponsored by the County Commission and other county departments.
The exhibit will be on display in the Community Room in the basement of the Sweetwater County Courthouse from December 6 through the end of the year. The exhibit will showcase an old-time Christmas, including vintage toys and musical instruments, holiday decorations, and historical holiday photographs from around Sweetwater County.
A Holiday Open House special event will be held on Saturday, December 11, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the Courthouse Community Room. In addition to the exhibit, there will be family activities, children's crafts and games, live music, and refreshments.
Museum Director Dave Mead said the piano, a Gulbransen upright, was presented to the Community of Green River by the General Federation of Women's Clubs and the Women’s Club of Green River in 1928. The piano has been part of the museum’s collection since it was founded in 1967.
The piano has been in storage in the courthouse basement since the museum was moved from the courthouse to its current location in 2001. Garry McLean, Director of County Human Resources, recently arranged to bring the piano out of storage and have it tuned for the event.
The exhibit will be open to the public during normal courthouse hours from December 6 through December 30, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The courthouse will be closed for holidays on December 24 through December 27, and December 31.

Junior Kindergartners Visit Museum

Left: Ms. Brownlee's class of junior kindgergartners from Truman Elementary stand in front of the John Wesley Powell statue with Public Engagement Coordinator Aidan Brady. Right: junior kindergartners sit on a buffalo robe in the museum gallery while Public Engagement Coordinator Aidan Brady demonstrates on local animals with pelts and skulls. The text on the bottom reads: 'The museum received some fun visitors today; a Kindergarten class from Truman Elementary School in Green River. The class was treated to a special gallery tour by Public Engagement Coordinator Aidan Brady and got to listen to one of his talks sitting on a real buffalo robe!

Ms. Brownlee's class of Junior Kindergartners from Truman Elementary visited the museum and got a special tour with Public Engagement Coordinator Aidan Brady. The students were there especially to see the annual Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) Ofrenda exhibit which tied into their current unit.

Students visit county museum

Aidan Brady and teacher Annie Adkins show students a rotary phone on a table.

(Sweetwater County, Wyo. - August 4, 2021)     Groups of elementary students large and small were recent visitors to the Sweetwater County Historical Museum in Green River.

Last week Public Engagement Coordinator Aidan Brady conducted special museum tours and classroom exercises for Monroe Elementary School students participating in the “English Language Learners Summer School” program for students Kindergarten through Grade 5 and Monroe Kindergartners in the “Kindergarten, Here I Come” project. 

On Tuesday the museum hosted a special tour for nearly 50 Sublette County children, Grades 1 through 5, who belong to the Pinedale Aquatic Center’s “Little Wranglers” program. 

The museum’s young visitors learned about many aspects of Sweetwater County history, including the prehistoric era, Native Americans, the mountain men, coal and trona mining, the Chinese in Rock Springs, agriculture, sheep herding and cattle ranching, frontier emigrants, the Pony Express, the Lincoln Highway, and the railroad.

Educators, schools, and parents are encouraged to contact the museum about its special outreach programs and tours. Museum hours 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesday through Saturday. There is no charge for admission. Museum staff can be reached by telephone at (307) 872-6435 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


June 12, 2021
The Sweetwater County Historical Museum will soon be hosting a special event at the Broadway Theater at 618 Broadway in Rock Springs.
Beginning at 11:00 AM on Saturday, June 19th, Museum Curator Amanda Benson will present the latest in her “Preserving our Precious Possessions” series, when she will discuss preservation, care, and storage of pop culture collectibles, such as comic books, trading and sports cards, action figures, vinyl records, and vintage toys.
Benson said that whether an old comic book or baseball card has mostly sentimental value or is a prized collectible, it’s important for people to protect their investment.
Information will be provided on storage techniques and supplies across a wide range of items.
Advance registration is not required, and admission is free.