
History & News

New article about the first “Green River” available online

Map showing the extent of Green River County, Utah Territory and the location of Green River City, what is today the City of Green River, Wyoming.A sketch of the Green River with hand written notes indicating the claim to 640 acres at the Green River Station. Tape holds sections of it together at the seam. Text reads: 'The COC & Express Companys Claim at Green River is bounded as follows to wit. The South East Corner is Situated on the bottoms on the west side of Green River and witnessed and followed from Stone set in the earth marked with cross on top (+) West three degrees north to Telegraph Post Marked (W) on East Side Eleven chains three links (11 chains 3 links) from said stone north sixteen & half degrees to old stove chimney three chains ninety one links (3 ch 91 lks.) Said corner is situated on green River near the ferry crossing known as Martin’s Ferry and on the line of the Pacific Telegraph, Thence running west and one mile. Thence north one mile then east one mile. Thence south one mile to place of beginning containing six hundred and forty acres of land in the County of Green River and Territory of Utah.
I hereby certify that the above survey and diagram was made by me on the 14th day of January A.D. 1862 by order of Isaac E. Eaton general superintendent of the aforesaid company and for their special benefit in accordance with section one act of Congress entitled an act of making appropriation for Services of Post Office department during the fiscal year ending 13th day of June A.D. 1846 and approved on the 3rd day of March A.D. 1855'A picture of rock piles in a sagebrush steppe scene. All that remains of the Green River Stage Station at the site.

Graphic #1 - Green River County, Utah Territory, was huge, extending nearly 250 miles from northern Utah to Bridger Pass, not far from present-day Rawlins.


Graphic #2 - A sketch from 1862 laying claim to 640 acres at Green River Station, now in the possession of the Wyoming State Archives in Cheyenne. Note that the original Transcontinental Telegraph Line also crossed the Green River at the site.


Photo #1 - Not much now remains of Green River Station.  (Emilio Sanchez photo)


(Sweetwater County, Wyo. - August 25, 2022)      The county seat of Sweetwater County was not the first community in Wyoming named “Green River,” according to a new article on WyoHistory.org.

“Crossing the River at Green River Station,” by Dick Blust of the Sweetwater County Historical Museum staff, tells the story of Green River Station, a tiny settlement that served as a stage stop, Pony Express station, ferry, and ford located dozens of miles upstream from the city of Green River.

What is now Sweetwater County was once in Green River County, Utah Territory, created in 1852, and existed until 1868, with the establishment of Wyoming Territory. Green River Station was one of a number of fords and ferry sites across the Green used by emigrants traveling the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails, as well as stagecoaches and Pony Express riders.

The Station was home to the first Post Office in what would later become Sweetwater County, established in 1853, as well as “‘five stores and one Indian wigwam, which served as a saloon,’ as well as six cabins where people lived, including the station keeper, stagecoach drivers, riders, and stock tenders for spare horses.”

Little is now left of Green River Station, which faded away and died in the years after the railroad arrived in Sweetwater County in 1869.

WyoHistory.org, a project of the Wyoming State Historical Society, is an extensive online resource for articles and information on Wyoming history.

Located at 3 E. Flaming Gorge Way in Green River, the Sweetwater County Historical Museum is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesday through Saturday. Admission is free.

County Museum and Rocket Miner at work on new photo book project

Advertisement for the Sweetwater Memories project.


(Sweetwater County, Wyo. - August 12, 2022)     The Sweetwater County Historical Museum is working with the Rock Springs Rocket Miner and Pediment Publishing of Vancouver, Washington in the creation of a special book titled Sweetwater Memories:   A Photographic History of the Early Years. Pediment  is compiling and scanning vintage photographs depicting life in Sweetwater County from the 1800s through 1939, including a wide selection of photos from the museum’s collection.

A Pediment editor will be in Green River working with museum staff next week. A special date and time slot - Friday, August 19, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM - has been set aside for county residents with old photographs of their own who would like to bring them to the museum to have them scanned and considered for publication in the new book.

The museum is located at 3 E. Flaming Gorge Way in Green River. Please call (307) 872-6435 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions about the Sweetwater Memories project.

The first Mountain Man Rendezvous was in Sweetwater County

Modern image depicting the site of the First Rocky Mountain Rendezvous near Mckinnon. A large area of sagebrush blends into buttes in the background. There are no obvious signs of manmade structures.Sign marking the historic site of the 1825 Rocky Mountain Rendezvous near McKinnon.Map depicting the site of the rendezvous on the Henry's Fork.A painting depicting a large number of people in various forms of dress including traditional hide outfits.The Musuem's exhibits relating to the Fur Trade.

Photo #1 - Site of the first Mountain Man Rendezvous, in southern Sweetwater County


Photo #2 - Interpretive sign near the site of the 1825 Rendezvous not far from McKinnon, in Sweetwater County, Wyoming


Photo #3 - Location of the 1825 Rendezvous on Henry’s Fork


Photo #4 - Rendezvous Near Green River, by Alfred Jacob Miller, depicting the 1837 Rendezvous not far from what is now Daniel, Wyoming, at the confluence of Horse Creek and the Green River. Miller was the only painter ever to record a Rendezvous firsthand.


Photo #5 - The Sweetwater County Historical Museum features exhibits on Native Americans, mountain men, and the fur trade


(Sweetwater County, Wyo. - July 26, 2022)    With this year’s Fort Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous at Fort Bridger in Uinta County scheduled for September 2 through September 5, the staff at the Sweetwater County Museum in Green River issued a reminder on Tuesday that the first Rendezvous was held in 1825 in what is now Sweetwater County.   

Organized by fur trading companies, Rendezvous were staged every year from 1825 to 1840 at different locations in Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho. Mountain men, trappers, and Native Americans gathered to sell their furs, trade for supplies, and celebrate.

That first rendezvous was staged on Henry’s Fork, three miles northeast of Burntfork and about 40 miles southwest of Green River. Mountain man James Beckwourth provided a description:

“ ...there was a general jubilee among all at the rendezvous, We constituted quite a little town, numbering at least eight hundred souls, of whom one half were women and children. There were some among us who had not seen any groceries, such as coffee, sugar,& c., for several months. The whisky went off as freely as water, even at the exorbitant price he [William Henry Ashley, co-owner of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company, for whom the Ashley National Forest is named] sold it for. All kinds of sports were indulged in with a heartiness that would astonish more civilized societies.”

The Museum’s gallery includes exhibits on Native Americans, mountain men, and the frontier-era fur trade. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and there is no charge for admission.

The Union Pacific Checkerboard

A square grid of 36 numbered tiles depicting a township, a fundamental unit of land measurement.A map depicting the Union Pacific Railroad route through Wyoming marked with the available and sold lands indicated as marked squares. Most of the squares are marked as unsold.The section of the previous map zoomed in on Sweetwater County. Most of the marknigs indicate that the section is 'All or Part for Sale.'The legend for the map indicating which sections are unsold and that Rand McNally created the map in 901.A map of colorful squares representing Sweetwater County. The colored pattern looks like a colorful checkerboard, indicating who owns what square

Graphic #1 - The township of 36 square miles is a fundamental unit of land area measurement, and was used to create the Union Pacific Checkerboard


Graphic #2 - The Union Pacific Checkerboard, as it extended along the Transcontinental Railroad across Wyoming


Graphic #3 - The Checkerboard in Sweetwater County. The 1901 map’s legend marks the majority of its townships as “All or Part for Sale.”


Graphic #4 - The 1901 Rand McNally map’s legend


Graphic #5 - The Union Pacific Checkerboard today, as it appears on the Sweetwater County website as a detailed interactive map


(Sweetwater County, Wyo. - July 23, 2022)     A vintage railroad land grant map recently examined by the staff at the Sweetwater County Historical Museum is a reminder of how the events of a century and a half ago still effect our lives today. Case in point:  the Union Pacific Checkerboard.  

The Transcontinental Railroad, extending across the American west from Omaha, Nebraska, to San Francisco, was officially launched on July 1, 1862, when President Abraham Lincoln signed the Pacific Railway Act. On paper, the plan was simple:  the Central Pacific Railroad of California would lay track east from California, and the newly-created Union Pacific Railroad would work west from Omaha, Nebraska, until the two met on May 10, 1869, at what would become famous as Promontory Point, Utah, thereby linking the east and west by rail. The Union Pacific line passed across the entire length of southern Wyoming, from Cheyenne to Evanston. Ultimately, the Central Pacific constructed 690 miles of track and the Union Pacific 1,085 miles.

The project was enormous in its scale, arguably the most iconic construction operation in American history, with a cost to match. In addition to a $27 million government loan - over $783 million in 2022 dollars - the railroads were granted first 10, then 20 one-square-mile sections of land for each mile of track laid, creating a checkerboard of odd-numbered sections for an average of 20 miles on each side of the tracks. In this manner, in Wyoming alone the Union Pacific was ceded in excess of 4,500,000 acres.

The graphic shown here helps explain the process. A basic unit of land survey area measure is a township, a square of six miles by six miles for a total of 36 square miles, or 36 sections. Each one-square-mile section contains 640 acres. A township’s sections are numbered from 1  to 36, from east to west, then west to east, then repeated twice more. The odd-numbered sections went to the Union Pacific, while the U.S. government retained the even-numbered sections. When the U.P.’s sections are shaded, the areas so mapped resemble a checkerboard.  

The map examined at the museum was published in 1901 by Rand McNally, and depicts what Checkerboard lands were available from the Union Pacific at the time. “Farm Lands” in lots of 160 acres and up were listed for $5.00 to $12.50 per acre, “Ranch Lands,” 640 acres and up ran $1.50 to $5.00 per acre, and “Grazing Lands” were the cheapest of all, at $.50 to $1.50 per acre.

The Union Pacific Checkerboard continues to exist today as it was originally laid out, though most of the land ownership, aside from Bureau of Land Management sections, has changed.

Today much of the Checkerboard acreage belongs to agricultural interests or oil and gas industry operations.

Sweetwater County maintains an excellent, extremely detailed interactive online county map that clearly illustrates the Checkerboard, at


The Sweetwater County Historical Museum is located at 3 E. Flaming Gorge Way in Green River. Hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and there is no charge for admission.